Sunday, October 23, 2011

The World in Ten Years Time

Many of us wonder ‘what till be the world like in ten years’? Will we be able to fight global warming? Are we going to live in a world where everything is ‘touch and go’? Will world peace prevail? Is there still a hope for a better world?

Let’s discuss these issues one by one.

First, fighting global warming. Practically speaking, we cannot beat global warming anymore, but we can do something to prevent it from getting worse. Initially global warming started because of air pollution. Smoke from vehicles, chemicals from factories, and most of all, the number one contributor in the depletion of the ozone layer, the chlorofluorocarbon. Chlorofluorocarbon is the gas emitted from burning trees and plastics. We can actually prevent chlorofluorocarbon from existing only if we will also stop these harmful activities. The thing is, some people would risk everything for money. They do not care if they will harm someone or anything as long as they can make money out of it. Sadly speaking, they cannot see the fact that they are destroying the world they are in, and if these people continue to exist, this world will not last for long.

Next is technology. With the increasing number of gadgets, as well as the continuous upgrading of technology, no wonder the world will soon turn into a ‘touch and go’ environment. Especially now that Wi-Fi signals are everywhere, people can keep in touch with each other through mobile internet surfing. Update status, post your tweets, follow your idols; communicate to everyone by just using your fingers! Plus, like almost everything’s instant, everything fits just right for the busy schedule of everyone. Conversely speaking, our health and security are at risk. Why? First, in our health. Since everything can be done in an instant, even eating, most people forget to eat properly and on time. What’s more, they tend to eat instant foods instead of properly cooked foods because of their busy schedule. They rely mostly on vitamins but what they do not see is the huge side effect it will make in their bodies. Second is our security. We roughly post everything about us; what we are doing, where we are currently staying, who we are with. Positively this makes it easier for the legal departments to find you if you got missing in the next hours. Negatively, you can be spotted by immoral people.

Now, world peace. Since the beginning of life in this world, this has been the greatest issue of all time. And for sure, there is a certain question that has been running into our minds: why do we have to enter a war? Isn’t it a bit odd that people have to start a war and kill a huge number of innocent citizens? Of what benefits do they get from it? From holy crusades to invasion; can’t we just mind our own businesses and stop interfering other people’s matters? Why don’t we make a change and make this world a better place? Certainly, we will have a peaceful life if we would just love and care for each other cause if not, our world may be destroyed sooner than we think.

These are just some points in which most of us think that will happen in future time. It has indeed some bad effects in our lives, but I guess all we have to do is try to at least live our own lives to the fullest; enjoy our blessings and be contented with our journey.

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